How To Get Toddler To Brush Teeth

How To Get Toddler To Brush Teeth

As a parent, you know that teaching your child good dental hygiene is important, but getting a toddler to brush their teeth can be a real struggle. Toddlers are notoriously fickle and can be resistant to anything they perceive as a chore.

However, instilling good oral health habits at an early age can help prevent tooth decay and promote healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives. In this blog post, we will discuss how to get toddler to brush teeth.

Why Toddlers Resist Tooth-Brushing

Toddlers often resist brushing their teeth due to the unfamiliar sensation of a toothbrush in their mouths and having something they perceive as foreign on their lips.

They can also be overwhelmed by the taste of toothpaste, which is often too strong for their palate. It’s important to remember that toddlers are still learning about the world around them and may not understand why brushing their teeth is important.

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Tips On How to Get Toddler To Brush Teeth

How To Get Toddler To Brush Teeth

Here are some tips and tricks to help get your toddler brush teeth struggle:

  1. Start early: The earlier you start teaching your child good dental hygiene, the better. Even before your baby's first teeth come in, you can start wiping their gums with a soft, damp cloth after feedings. This will help keep their mouth clean and get them used to the sensation of having their mouth cleaned.
  2. Make it fun: Toddlers are more likely to do something if it's fun. Make tooth brushing time a game by singing a silly song or making up a story. You can also make a chart or a sticker reward system to encourage them to brush their teeth every day.
  3. Let them choose their toothbrush and toothpaste: Toddlers love feeling like they have control over their own choices. Let your child pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste. There are many toothbrushes available in bright colors and fun characters that can make brushing more exciting. You can also find flavored toothpaste for kids that can make brushing a more enjoyable experience.
  4. Brush together: Children love to imitate their parents, so make tooth brushing a family affair. Brush your teeth together with your toddler and make it a fun bonding experience.
  5. Use a timer: Toddlers often have short attention spans, so using a timer can help keep them focused on the task at hand. Set a timer for two minutes, the recommended time for brushing, and make a game of trying to brush all their teeth before the timer goes off.
  6. Use positive reinforcement: Toddlers respond well to positive reinforcement. Praise your child for their efforts and make a big deal out of their accomplishments. A simple "good job" or "I'm proud of you" can go a long way in encouraging your child to brush their teeth regularly.
  7. Be patient: Remember that toddlers are still learning and developing, and it may take some time for them to get into the habit of brushing their teeth. Be patient and persistent, and eventually, they will come around.

In addition to these tips, it's important to establish a consistent oral health routine for your toddler. Brush their teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and floss their teeth once a day.

Also, make sure to schedule regular dental checkups to ensure that their teeth are healthy and free of decay.

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Should I Brush My Infant's Gums?

How To Get Toddler To Brush Teeth

It's important to start good oral hygiene habits early, even before your baby's first tooth comes in.

You can start by gently wiping your infant's gums with a damp cloth or a soft infant toothbrush after each feeding. This will help remove any food particles and bacteria that can cause decay.

Once their teeth come in, you can start brushing them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

It's also important to avoid sugary drinks and snacks for your toddler. Sugary drinks and snacks can damage the enamel of their teeth, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Instead, offer healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yoghurt, and cheese.

Also, limit your child's intake of acidic beverages such as soda or juice. If you do offer these drinks, make sure to give them meals and immediately brush their teeth afterwards.

By following these tips, you can help your toddler develop healthy oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.

What Kind Of Toothbrush Should I Use To Brush My Toddler's Teeth?

When it comes to choosing a toothbrush for your toddler, you'll want to look for one that has soft bristles and is small enough to fit comfortably in their mouth. A toddler-sized toothbrush with a wide handle can help make brushing easier.

You may also want to consider using an electric toothbrush as it can be more effective at cleaning baby teeth than traditional manual toothbrushes.

Be sure to replace your toddler's toothbrush every three months or after they have been ill. Additionally, it is important to ensure your child knows how to properly use the toothbrush.

Show them how to hold it and brush it in a circular motion. If necessary, you can also demonstrate their teeth first before having them do it themselves. It is also important to avoid putting too much toothpaste on their brush as swallowing too much fluoride can be harmful.

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Is It Normal For Toddlers To Hate Brushing Teeth?

It is not uncommon for toddlers to dislike brushing their teeth. This can be due to the unfamiliar sensation of having something in their mouths or simply because it requires them to take time away from playing.

It is important to remember that this is a normal part of growing up, and gradually, your toddler will learn that brushing toddler's teeth is an important part of their daily routine.

Final Words:

That’s all about how to get toddler to brush teeth. Good oral hygiene habits are important for your baby's teeth and overall health, so it's important to instil these habits early on.

With patience and positive reinforcement, you can help your toddler learn how to brush child's teeth correctly and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. By providing the right tools and demonstrating proper brushing techniques, you can ensure that your child has a healthy smile for years to come.

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